Dr. Partha Banerjee
About: Dr. Partha Banerjee is a New York-based writer, human rights, labor and media activist. He completed his Masters Degree at Columbia University, and a Phd at Southern Illinois University. Dr. Banerjee focuses his writing and speaking on promoting human rights and cultural awareness. He has translated the short stories and songs ("Rabindra Sangeet") of Rabindranath Tagore for many years; the latter released on two CDs.
Quote: "I have just returned from the Udaan Community Film Festival at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi. I had such a wonderful experience talking to the young students about Tagore and artistic empowerment. I want to thank Aseem Asha Usman profusely for organizing such an important and timely event. I was deeply touched by his organizational prowess, and that too, without any outside financial support. This is major grassroots work. These young students gave me hope. I was delighted to see their positive response to my discussion on kitsch and art."
Video Presentation: Jamia Millia Islamia University 2011Quote: "I have just returned from the Udaan Community Film Festival at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi. I had such a wonderful experience talking to the young students about Tagore and artistic empowerment. I want to thank Aseem Asha Usman profusely for organizing such an important and timely event. I was deeply touched by his organizational prowess, and that too, without any outside financial support. This is major grassroots work. These young students gave me hope. I was delighted to see their positive response to my discussion on kitsch and art."